Pahtothamya Temple

Pahtothamya Temple

Pahtothamya Temple is popularly held to be one of five temples built by the non-historical King Taungthugyi (931-964) referred to history. But some of the archeologists also mark that it was built by King Sawlu by the references of the wall paintings which dates back only to the 11th Century. King Taungthugyi was also known as Nyaung U Sawrahan. This temple was known to have been built like one of those in Thaton. Therefore. the temple compose of many Mon style paintings in the inside. But the temple was renovated during the reign of King Kyanzittha (1084-1113).

Pahtothamya temple has a long hall which lengthens towards the East. This monument has a harmonious proportion. having a height of 26 meter. 30 meter on the side and the hall has 17m of length. The interior of this single-storey building is dimly lit. typical of the early type of Pyu-influenced temples with their small. perforated stone windows. In its vertical superstructure and lotus-bud sikhara. however. the monument is clearly beginning to move forward from the Early period.

The bell shaped principal stupa in the center was constructed differently entirely from other stupas. The main body has 12 angles. At the bases of the angles there used to be Nagar heads. Upon the main body is the relic chamber. on top of which are concentric rings of plaster moldings. The 1975 earthquake damaged the concentric rings which were now restored by the Archeology Department. In each of the four walls were installed five perforated brick windows. At the north and south devotional halls there is no such window. There is a spiral staircase built in the thickness of the north wall of the devotional hall. It leads to upper storey where there are small surrounding stupas. Inside the niches of these stupas are Buddha statues of plaster moulding. They are the original works still unspoilt. The earthquake of 1975 damaged one original statue of plaster in the northern niche but it had been restored. Painting remnants along the interior passages may rate as the earliest surviving murals in Bagan. There are four smaller temples surrounding Pahtothamya Temple and inside theses temples are magnificent artistic Buddha Images.