Vietnam has an extensive coastline with great beaches and two really international cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon). There is also the Mekong Delta. It sometimes makes it difficult to fit in other attractions into a Vietnam tour package. You really should look further into Vietnam if you are simply looking to include these things. Places like the Central Highlands, centred on Da Lat, deserve serious consideration and here is why.
First of all, if you are travelling in Vietnam when temperatures are high, then the climate of Da Lat will provide a relief. It may be as much as 10C cooler in Da Lat than in the lowland areas none too far away. The French chose this part of the Country as their summer ‘’retreat’’ because it was cooler. The evidence of the French presence is seen in much of the architecture, including the City’s railway station.
The fresh and clean air of such Highland regions is in sharp contrast to the busy cities and their traffic. That is not to say that city life is not also an essential part of any Vietnam family vacation.
Da Lat offers the great natural environment in the surrounding areas, brilliant cuisine using the fruit and vegetables grown in this fertile region as well as a flavour of history and religion.
If you are active then you will love the areas around Da Lat. You are already at altitude and can walk even higher. There are some great waterfalls with Pongour one of the largest in the whole of Vietnam. You can get local advice on the established trails and if you are feeling especially energetic, why not climb the three peaks of Lang Biang Mountain from which you will get great views of the surrounding districts. The highest point is over 2,150 metres above sea level. There is an old radar station at 1,950 metres and you can go there by jeep if you want the views without the energy to walk there.
The Cable Car, 2.4 kilometres in length is another place where you will get lovely views over the forests, farm land and lakes. If you are in Vietnam with kids, they will love it. The route goes from Robin Hall to a popular pagoda. Tram Lam Pagoda is one of a few landmarks that you will enjoy. The atmosphere is tranquil within a pine forest and while there it is worth visiting the manmade reservoir, Tuyen Lam Lake.
The city of Da Lat has good accommodation that can be pre-booked. A Vietnam travel agent will do that for you and leave you with enough free time to get the best out of every place that you visit. All you need to do is to explain your main interests to your agent and you can expect an itinerary that will provide a truly memorable Vietnam holiday; Da Lat deserves inclusion. There is something for all the family and the City is even gaining the reputation as a great place to go on honeymoon.