Things to do in Phu Quoc

The world has many lovely beach locations. The popularity of Vietnam suggests that the country can lay claim to being included in places to consider. When you plan a Vietnam family location, the extensive coastline is certainly appealing. So is the island of Phu Quoc in the South China Sea, just off the Cambodian Coast. It not only offers sandy beaches and warm seas, it has a mountainous interior that is worth exploring; there are many things to do on Phu Quoc Island and if you are in Vietnam with kids, everyone will find something that appeals to them:

things to do in phu quoc

•    Swimming, snorkelling and diving. If you just decide to laze on a beach and swim you will have a relaxing day. If you decide to be a little more active, then go snorkelling or even scuba diving to look at what is living under the waves. There is plenty of coral and a great variety of fish.

•    Kayaking and sailing. Some tourists enjoy kayaking while if you want to relax and get the sea breeze, you can hire a boat and let the captain do all the hard work. There are small offshore islands which you can explore though that will limit your time at sea.

•    Fishing is fun. You can go on a tour to watch the locals catch squid at night-time if you wish and there is no reason why you cannot go fishing yourself.

•    Cycling. Phu Quoc is mountainous but if you are fit then you can rent a cycle and take to the roads, taking a map with you to help out.

•    Motor biking gets you there quicker. You will obviously be able to cover more ground if you are motorised and the roads are perfectly safe.

•    Trekking gives you time to really enjoy the environment. The National Park covers half of the island and walking through the forests and grassland is very satisfying.

Phu Quoc often comes at the end of a Vietnam holiday, a time to reflect on everything you have seen and done before returning home. You may just want to relax and certainly the environment is conducive to that yet it is also conducive to exploration and activity. Perhaps the best advice is to find a balance? When you finally fly home, you will have great memories, and hopefully an album full of great photographs to reinforce them?