Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Holiday in Vietnam


A package holiday to Vietnam needs a lot of careful planning to create the most enjoyable trip. Let's take a look at nine mistakes that have a negative impact on your holiday in Vietnam:

It is useful to check the passport expiration date well in advance of the Vietnam trip starting. Many countries ask that a certain period of time is left on the passport before entry is permitted. For instance, if you are travelling to Vietnam you will need to have at least six months left on the passport after the date of arrival. If you don't have enough time left on your passport, you may have difficulty in entering the country.

Additionally, it is essential to hold the right type of passport. A single entry visa is only a practical option if travelling within the borders of Vietnam. However, if you plan to travel through Vietnam and then fly into Cambodia to see the Angkor temples before returning to Vietnam you will need to hold a multi-entry visa. Even though it will be possible to apply for a new visa on your travels, it is generally more convenient to hold the right paperwork from the start.

Read reviews
Before booking a particular hotel, a Halong Bay cruise, or similar service, why not make use of the travel review sites and forums that can give a proper first-person view of what a service is really like. If you simply rely on the hotel's website or brochure, there can be plenty of things hidden from view, such as trains passing nearby. Alternatively, a stay in a bungalow can be blighted by its close proximity to paddy fields which can lead to a high number of mosquitoes being nearby.

mistakes that will ruin your holiday in vietnam

Book early
Vietnam can be extremely busy at certain times of the years, such the New Year holiday, National Day, Reunion Day, etc. It can be particularly difficult to book a hotel room at these times, so it is worth the effort to make prior arrangements. Basically, if travelling to Vietnam at the same time as any of these occasions, try to book a hotel stay, boat tour, or other activity well in advance. Leaving things to the last minute can lead to frustration and paying more than expected. However, if you do decide to travel to Vietnam without booking the appropriate hotel or guest house, you may want to prepare a list of services, hotels, guest houses, etc. that may be needed to check on availability.

Packing too much
Avoid packing too much for the Vietnam travel. An excessive amount of luggage can lead to higher fees once you arrive at the airport. A typical international flight into Vietnam allows a maximum of 30 kgs, while an economic flight within the country can limited luggage to 20 kgs. Simply pack the luggage to match the type of activities and the expected weather for the duration of the stay in Vietnam. On many occasions, there is the option to pick up the necessary supplies after arriving in Vietnam.

Also, make sure to pack the must-have items like medication in the carry on. Even though the risk is relatively low, you don't want to be one of those that has their luggage lost by the airline. Also, if you pack a spare pair of clothes and similar supplies in the carry on, you will be able to easily survive for a few days until the lost items are recovered or you are able to buy replacements in the local area. However, the carry on luggage is limited, so make sure to keep this under the limit notified by the airline.

Taking a taxi
Make sure to check the cost of a journey before getting in the taxi. Many cabs in Vietnam will be metered, but if you take a ride with an “independent” taxi there is a real risk of being overcharged. You can always ask the staff at your hotel to get an idea of the cost to minimise the risk of being overcharged. If possible you can get a taxi from your hotel for the most reliable service.

take a taxi in vietnam

Drinking local tap water
The local tap water in Vietnam isn't drinkable. This even applies if staying in one of the top hotels. The preferred option to stay hydrated on the travels is to drink bottle water. This is widely available when travelling around and is very cheap. Additionally, only have ice in your drinks when in a decent restaurant, hotel or bar.

Trying to visit too many places
For many the 3 week tour in Vietnam may be a once in a lifetime experience and for this reason will try to visit virtually all of the popular sightseeing destinations. But, constantly travelling and moving from hotel to hotel can soon get very tiring. The best travel itinerary will give the option to stay in a particular city for a longer period of time to give the option to fully explore the region and get a lot more from it. A useful balance of moving around the country and visiting the places of interest is great for the worry-free and relaxing travel.

Not altering your bank
It is a good idea to let your bank know when you are planning to travel overseas. Most banks have an automatic security system in place which can stop the use of your credit cards in the event of being used outside your home country. Getting locked out while in Vietnam can cause a lot of problems, especially if you need urgent access to your money.

Solely relying on electronic devices
It rarely benefits to solely rely on your electronic devices to store all your important information, such as details of your hotel stays or who is picking you up. In addition to storing this information on the phone, it is also worth printing the relevant information and keeping it somewhere safe. With a little planing, this is a simple way to avoid problems when travelling on the family tours in Vietnam.