Customer Testimonials

The second time with Vivutravel

Travelling Solo is a breeze

This is the second time I have booked travel with Vivu Travel. The first experience, with friends, covered 3 weeks and was so good, I had no hesitation to use this company when travelling on my own. Not only are the booking team experienced and efficient in answering any queries you may have, they willingly offer suggestions. The drivers are very capable, the guides are professional, speak good English and keen to make sure you have a great time.

On this occasion I travelled to North East Vietnam, an area where few tourists go. In August the weather is starting to cool down. It was not too hot and I only experienced one heavy shower of rain.

The mountain scenery is spectacular with valleys, rivers and villages. The trip to Cao Bang/Ba Be Lake gives you the opportunity to see how rural Vietnamese live, work and play. You can go to the markets, see the cottage industries, eat in local restaurants and experience things you will not find in the bustling cities of Vietnam.

Travelling up to the Chinese border to view the spectacular Ban Gioc waterfall was a highlight. One side of the river is Vietnam, the other China. Have fun and ride the boat close to the falls. Don't worry about getting wet, you will dry out!.

At Ba Be Lake we stayed in a Tay stilt house. Wander around the village and watch the inhabitants go about their daily chores. The hosts were very welcoming with dinner served the traditional way - on the floor, in a circle. Not only was it delicious, but fun. If you want, you can also join the karaoke entertainment after the meal.

A boat ride on the lake allows you to see rock formations, a cave, villages, farmers, fishermen and beautiful scenery.

Whether you are travelling solo, with friends or as a family, Vivu Travel's team will look after your every need, quick to respond to requests and price competitive. This tour option is far better than trying to book a series of organised one or two day trips. It is fuss free, allows you to stop when you want to and makes the holiday far more enjoyable. Once you decide where you wish to visit in Vietnam, don't hesitate to get a quotation.

After the serenity of the mountains, valleys and lakes, it was back to Hanoi and the chaotic city lifestyle.

Lys M
Melbourne, Australia